General Assembly

The General Assembly is the supreme body of the society, supervising the activities of the Council and the Executive Committee. The General Assembly, containing all members of the society, meets at each European Congress of Pathology and is chaired by the society’s President. Ordinary and trainee members have one vote each, while retired and honorary members have no vote but may participate in the General Assembly.

According to the Statutes of the ESP, the General Assembly:

  1. Has the sole authority to change the statutes.
  2. Has the sole authority to approve and to change the bylaws.
  3. Has the sole authority to appoint and to dismiss officers of the Executive Committee, members of the Council and the Chair of the Advisory Board.
  4. Should approve the report of the President, as well as recommendations of the Executive Committee, the Council and the Advisory Board.
  5. Should approve the financial report presented by the Treasurer, including the audited accounts, and the budget of the following year.
  6. Has the sole authority to recognise the working groups of the society.
  7. May appoint committees or task forces.
  8. Has the sole authority to expel members.
  9. Has the sole authority to designate the venues of the forthcoming congresses of the society.
  10. Has the sole authority to adopt the official journal of the society.
  11. Has the sole authority to dissolve the society voluntarily, and to decide on the way the society will be liquidated and its assets disbursed.